Nostrification in the Czech Republic
Nostrification is the process or act of granting recognition to a degree from a foreign university.
Nostrification is a mandatory process for foreigners or people with foreign school degree who wants to continue studying in the Czech Republic on the Czech Accredited program. (?)meaning be able to get Czech Diploma. If you would like to study in the Czech Republic and be able to apply for a visa “Study”, have free access to the labour market, you must go through the nostrification process before applying for a visa and moving to the Czech Republic).
How does Accreditation (?) Accreditation is a formal, independent verification that a program or institution meets established quality standards and is competent to carry out specific conformity assessment tasksю Conformity assessment tasks may include but are not limited to, testing, inspection, or certification.) influence my studies?
There is no difference between Czech and Non-Czech Accredited programs in terms of the study program, study plan, etc. You can come to the Czech Republic holding a log-term visa with the purpose of “Other” and until you finish your studies you can complete the nostrification process and be able to get into the Czech Accreditation program.
1. School degree nostrification
Let’s see which documents you need to submit. Note: All foreign documents must be translated to Czech by a certified translator.
Application form - which you can find on the website of the City Hall;
Simple copy of your Passport/ID;
Legal/notary copy (?) Legal/notary copy is a certified copy of a document that has been marked with a seal and the signature of a notary) of Diploma (from some countries it has to have an apostille);
Legal/notary copy of Transcript/Diploma supplement (?) Transcript/diploma supplement is a certified record of a student throughout a course of study having full enrollment history including all courses (or subjects) attempted, grades earned and degrees and awards conferred).
Legal/notary copy of Hours confirmation letter - It is needed in the case if hours are not mentioned in your transcript/diploma supplement. If you see that your transcript doesn’t have it, you must request an official letter from the school naming “Hours confirmation”.
Legal/notary copy of Memo (?) written message or report) - It is needed if your diploma requires an apostille. If the notary is not able to apostille the diploma, then they apostille legal copy. In that case, the notary must issue a written message/report explaining that situation.
Proof of accommodation in the Czech Republic - if you are already in the Czech Republic and hold a valid visa or residence permit, you will need to arrange proof of accommodation from the legal owner of the apartment which you rent. Depending on the place of residence you will need to submit the documents at the relevant City Hall. If you are still abroad and don’t have any visa/residence in the Czech Republic, you will not need to have it.
When you have all the documents ready, you need to send it by post to our office with the signed power of attorney (!) we will prepare it in case if you decide to proceed with us). Our specialist will submit it on your behalf and will keep you updated on the process.
You must submit it in person at the City Hall. City Hall will compare Czech Educational System with the foreign (where your diploma was issued). In the case of missing years at high school (for instance: less than 4) or lack of essential subjects normally taught in the Czech Republic, the board is allowed to require the student’s attendance at the exam. It doesn’t matter if you had an “A” or “B”, the most important is that you had enough hours spent at your school on this specific subject.
If all documents are presented in correct forms it will take 30 days from the date of application. In other complicated cases up to 60 days. It takes additional 5 days to receive the decision (in complicated situations up to 2 weeks). In the case of exams, the school has 21 days to appoint you for the examination. If you pass the exams, the decision will be sent to you or your attorney by post within 14 following working days.
If you fail one of the exams, you have 2 options: the first option is to appeal the decision. You can appeal within 15 days after receiving an official statement or the second option - you apply for the nostrification again and start the process from the beginning.
The most common exams are Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Information technology, Geography, History. You must prepare well to be able to pass exams. The exams are held in Czech, that’s why you need to have a certified interpreter. We will suggest certified interpreters who will help, support and navigate you through the exams.
No need for an apostille or superlegalization
Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Belgium, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Montenegro, France, Georgia, Yemen, Croatia, Korea (North Korea), Cuba, Cyprus, Kyrgyzstan, Hungary, North Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, Poland, Austria, Romania, Russian Federation, Greece, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia, Syria, Spain, Switzerland, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Vietnam.
Diploma Apostille is needed from
Andorra, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bahrain, Barbados, Belize, Bolivia, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei Darussalam, Burundi, Cape Verde, Chile, Cook Islands, China - only Hong Kong and Macau (legalisation required from other territories in China), Denmark, Democratic Republic of Sao Tomé and Príncipe (from 15 July 2008), Dominica, Dominican Republic (authentication with Apostille Clause from 30 August 2009), Ecuador, Estonia, Fiji, Finland, territories pertaining to France (i.e. French Polynesia, French Territory of the Affars and Issas, Guadeloupe, Guyana, Comoro Islands, Martinique, New Caledonia, Reunion, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Wallis and Futuna), Grenada (since 7 April 2002 – until that date administered under the United Kingdom), Guatemala, Honduras, India, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Israel, Japan, South Africa, Kazakhstan, Colombia, Republic of Korea (South Korea), Kosovo, Costa Rica, Lesotho, Liberia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malawi, Malta, Morocco, Marshall Islands, Mauritius, Mexico, Monaco, Namibia, Nicaragua, Germany, Niue, Netherlands and its territories (i.e. Netherlands Antilles, Aruba), Norway, New Zealand, Oman, Panama, Paraguay, Philipines, Peru, Portugal, Salvador, Samoa, San Marino, Seychelles, Suriname, Saint Lucia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Swaziland, Sweden, Tajikistan, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Uruguay, the USA and their territories (i.e. American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, United States Virgin Islands, Great Britain and its territories (i.e. Jersey, the Bailiwick of Guernsey, Isle of Man, Anguilla, Bermuda, British Antarctic Territory, British Virgin Islands (British Virgins Islands), British Solomon Islands, Cayman Islands, Falkland Islands, Gibraltar, Montserrat, Saint Helena, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, Turks and Caicos Islands), Vanuatu and Venezuela.
Countries of the European Union, Norway, Iceland, United Kingdom, United States of America, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand
In these countries an Apostille for a document (superlegalization in the case of Canada) may be replaced with an officially authenticated copy of documents, provided that there will be concurrently accomplished requirements quoted under letters A and B:
the foreign secondary or higher education institution sends to the relevant office of the faculty or rectorate a Transcript of Records or supplement to the diploma of the applicant in a sealed envelope. Prospectively the applicant presents the Transcript or supplement in an envelope properly sealed by the educational institution or
the official website of the foreign secondary or higher education institution makes it possible to verify that the applicant is its graduate (for example, the possibility of downloading the applicant’s Transcript from the official website of the foreign secondary or higher education institution - after entering a password e.g.)
the study applicant sends to the relevant office of the faculty or rectorate a notarized copy of his/her high school leaving certificate or diploma from the secondary or higher educational institution, and concurrently,
a secondary or higher educational institution issues a statement, verifying that this study applicant is a successful graduate.
Other states – documents on the completion of studies must be superlegalised. In superlegalisation, the authenticity of signatures and the impressions of stamps on original documents are authenticated:
by the ministry of foreign affairs of the state in which the secondary or higher education institution which issued the document has its registered office, or by the competent foreign body;
and also by the competent Diplomatic Mission of the Czech Republic.
The requirements placed on the presentation of duly authenticated documents shall have been met even in the case that the applicant presents officially authenticated copies of documents which are authenticated by that of the foregoing methods which apply to the documents which the applicant presents.
2. Recognition of University degree
If you want to study at a university in the Czech Republic, you need to have your previous completed study recognized by the Czech recognition authority (!)Czech University). If you want to study at university you need to submit a document of your high/secondary school education by the Czech recognition authority.
Let’s see which documents you need to submit. ! Note: All foreign documents must be translated to Czech, Slovak or English by the certified translator.
Application form - you can find the application form on the University website.
Simple copy of your Passport/ID.
Legal/notary copy (?) Legal/notary copy is a certified copy of a document that has been marked with a seal and the signature of a notary) of Diploma (from some countries it has to have an apostille) - if you want to recognize higher than a Bachelor degree you must submit all diplomas (For Master degree - Bachelor and Master; For PhD - Bachelor, Master, PhD);
Legal/notary copy of Transcript/Diploma supplement (?) Transcript/diploma supplement is a certified record of a student throughout a course of study having full enrollment history including all courses (or subjects) attempted, grades earned and degrees and awards conferred) - if you want to recognize higher than a Bachelor degree you must submit all diplomas (For Master degree - Bachelor and Master; For PhD - Bachelor, Master, PhD).
Legal/notary copy of Hours confirmation letter - It is needed in the case if hours are not mentioned in your transcript/diploma supplement. If you see that your transcript doesn’t have it, you must request an official letter from the university naming “Hours confirmation”.
Additional documents - sometimes the University can require additional documents, such as confirmation that your program was provided by an educational institution authorized by the Ministry of Education where you obtained your education.
When you have all the documents ready, you need to send it by post to our office with the signed power of attorney (!) we will prepare it in case if you decide to proceed with us). Our specialist will submit it on your behalf and will keep you updated on the process.
Where to submit my application?
The documents must be submitted to any Czech Public University. You need to find a University that has the same field of study as your previous degree. Look up more details about the program (content, scope of courses) on the website of the University. You can submit by post or in person.
If you can’t find a University that will have a similar program as you hold or are not sure if the program will be similar. You can contact the University or the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports by email Process
You need to submit it at the Public Czech University. They will compare the program, list of courses, hours you studied with the similar program at the Czech University.
If all documents are presented in correct forms it will take 30 days from the date of application. In other complicated cases up to 60 days. In case of the appeal, it will take additional 30 days.
Exams are not required in that case.
If the decision is positive you will receive a certificate of recognition by post to your address or attorney’s address.
If the decision is negative, you have 15 days after receiving the decision to appeal. You must submit your appeal to the University which will send the documents to the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. In most cases appeals are successful. If the appeal is not successful, you will need to study this program again in the Czech Republic.
No need for an apostille or superlegalization
Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Belgium, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Montenegro, France, Georgia, Yemen, Croatia, Korea (North Korea), Cuba, Cyprus, Kyrgyzstan, Hungary, North Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, Poland, Austria, Romania, Russian Federation, Greece, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia, Syria, Spain, Switzerland, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Vietnam.
Diploma Apostille is needed from
Andorra, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bahrain, Barbados, Belize, Bolivia, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei Darussalam, Burundi, Cape Verde, Chile, Cook Islands, China - only Hong Kong and Macau (legalisation required from other territories in China), Denmark, Democratic Republic of Sao Tomé and Príncipe (from 15 July 2008), Dominica, Dominican Republic (authentication with Apostille Clause from 30 August 2009), Ecuador, Estonia, Fiji, Finland, territories pertaining to France (i.e. French Polynesia, French Territory of the Affars and Issas, Guadeloupe, Guyana, Comoro Islands, Martinique, New Caledonia, Reunion, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Wallis and Futuna), Grenada (since 7 April 2002 – until that date administered under the United Kingdom), Guatemala, Honduras, India, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Israel, Japan, South Africa, Kazakhstan, Colombia, Republic of Korea (South Korea), Kosovo, Costa Rica, Lesotho, Liberia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malawi, Malta, Morocco, Marshall Islands, Mauritius, Mexico, Monaco, Namibia, Nicaragua, Germany, Niue, Netherlands and its territories (i.e. Netherlands Antilles, Aruba), Norway, New Zealand, Oman, Panama, Paraguay, Philipines, Peru, Portugal, Salvador, Samoa, San Marino, Seychelles, Suriname, Saint Lucia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Swaziland, Sweden, Tajikistan, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Uruguay, the USA and their territories (i.e. American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, United States Virgin Islands, Great Britain and its territories (i.e. Jersey, the Bailiwick of Guernsey, Isle of Man, Anguilla, Bermuda, British Antarctic Territory, British Virgin Islands (British Virgins Islands), British Solomon Islands, Cayman Islands, Falkland Islands, Gibraltar, Montserrat, Saint Helena, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, Turks and Caicos Islands), Vanuatu and Venezuela.
Countries of the European Union, Norway, Iceland, United Kingdom, United States of America, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand
In these countries an Apostille for a document (superlegalization in the case of Canada) may be replaced with an officially authenticated copy of documents, provided that there will be concurrently accomplished requirements quoted under letters A and B:
the foreign secondary or higher education institution sends to the relevant office of the faculty or rectorate a Transcript of Records or supplement to the diploma of the applicant in a sealed envelope. Prospectively the applicant presents the Transcript or supplement in an envelope properly sealed by the educational institution or
the official website of the foreign secondary or higher education institution makes it possible to verify that the applicant is its graduate (for example, the possibility of downloading the applicant’s Transcript from the official website of the foreign secondary or higher education institution - after entering a password e.g.)
the study applicant sends to the relevant office of the faculty or rectorate a notarized copy of his/her high school leaving certificate or diploma from the secondary or higher educational institution, and concurrently,
a secondary or higher educational institution issues a statement, verifying that this study applicant is a successful graduate.
Other states – documents on the completion of studies must be superlegalised. In superlegalisation, the authenticity of signatures and the impressions of stamps on original documents are authenticated:
by the ministry of foreign affairs of the state in which the secondary or higher education institution which issued the document has its registered office, or by the competent foreign body;
and also by the competent Diplomatic Mission of the Czech Republic.
The requirements placed on the presentation of duly authenticated documents shall have been met even in the case that the applicant presents officially authenticated copies of documents which are authenticated by that of the foregoing methods which apply to the documents which the applicant presents.