It is primarily a confirmation from a school or another educational legal entity about enrolment in studies. The Ministry of Interior provides universal documents for confirming this purpose of the study on their website.
To receive a long-term residence permit for the purpose of studies your course needs to meet the following requirements:
be an accredited study programme at a higher educational establishment in accordance with the Higher Education Act.
to be a study programme compiled with parts of accredited study programmes, as long as the student is entered in the Register of Students.
to be a language and professional preparation for studies under an accredited study programme.
to be a language and professional training course organised in the framework of a programme of the European Union or in accordance with an international agreement.
to be higher education in fields of education in secondary school or a conservatory or a higher vocational school entered in the Register of Schools and School Facilities in accordance with the Education Act and undertaken within an exchange programme in a domestic host organization.
to be an internship aimed at acquiring knowledge, practice and experience carried out by the foreign national´s studies at a domestic hosting organization or foreign higher educational institution.
to be a European Voluntary Service of a foreigner aged from 18 to 30 years or a voluntary service aimed to acquire practical and professional experience of a foreigner.
Exchange of experience and studies for individuals responsible for educating and developing human resources provided that these activities are performed within the programmes or initiatives of the European Union or within international agreements.
If a foreign national intends to enter and stay in the territory of the Czech Republic for the purpose of participation in the educational activities that do not fulfil the requirements listed above, he/she is entitled to apply for a long-term visa for the purpose labelled as “other”.
This purpose of stay can involve:
education in an unaccredited study programme at a public or private higher education institution.
education in a school that is accredited or has an accredited study programme in a state other than the Czech Republic.
language and training courses and programmes that do not serve as preparation for studying in a higher educational institution´s accredited study programme.
Scientific research
It has to be a hosting agreement with a research organisation signed in accordance with Act No. 341/2005 Coll., on Public Research Institutions. It needs to be signed on a hosting basis; If the academic worker or hosting professor intends to work at the public research institutions or another research organisation as an employee solely on the basis of an employment contract, he/she can apply for an employee card. This purpose of stay is no longer issued; instead, it has been replaced by the Employee card or blue card.
The purpose of stay for business needs to be proved by a certificate of registration in the relevant registry or list. For a foreign national who will do business as a self-employed person, it will be a statement from the Trade Register. Or If the applicant applies for a visa as a CEO of the Czech registered s.r.o. company, then a statement from the Commercial office should be provided.
To support this claim of a purpose of stay needs to be an original or certified copy of the document that demonstrates a relationship (for example, a birth certificate, marriage certificate, document on guardianship, etc.).
Spouse or partner of the EU citizen. For the spouse, the marriage certificate should be provided. For a partner of an EU citizen, any proof of relationship should be provided for Czech partnership visa purposes.